
Dear Blog

Dear Blog,
I am so sorry I have neglected you.  I have not fed you words in more than a year! 
Please forgive me.  I have been sick.  I have been weak.
But you'll be happy to know I have picked up the pieces of my pathetic self, and God made me new.
So here I am....a whole new me!

This morning, I am reveling in the beauty of God's earth.  The spring thaw has finally arrived.  As I stood outside with my morning cup of coffee, I could see the steam rising off the deep snow.  It is going to be 50 degrees today.  Yes, overcast and rainy, but the warm temperatures and the singing birds are what makes this experience so comforting at this time.

The smell of fresh brewed coffee, the sound of a distant train - why would anyone want to leave New England????  It is a fantastic place.  Sure, some of the people are selfish and rude, but we're working on that aren't we New Englanders?

"I will not forget you.  Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands." - Isaiah 49:15-16 (nasb)

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